Right Design Can Change the Course of History
he word design evokes imagery of blue prints, floor plans and large drawings full of technical lines. Design can also apply to a thought process; a set procedure. Design can mean following a tried a true proven system of success. You can be successful in business and in your life once you design it that way.
Here are a few examples of how design changed the course of history:
- Rocket projection design allow humans to take to space in 1961.
- Basketball coaches design a training program that leads the LA Lakers to championship in 2009 & 2010.
- Computer and communication design lead to the first cellular network in 1971.
- Chick-Fil-A opens its design kitchen warehouse called the “Hatch” in 2012 which lead to the successful innovations of one of the most successful QSR restaurants ever conceived.
These examples illustrate the potential of human creativity when merged with a design. In the foodservice industry there are specific elements of design that have been tried and proven to delivery results. By understanding your needs, we can design a solution that covers the necessary elements to keep you fast and efficient.
We understand that by starting with a design you are empowering yourself to be on the path to success. Jean’s Restaurant Supply pursues the path of success one design at a time. When coupled with a design can be a potent formula for abundance. Change the course of your history and design your own success and prosperity.